Prince of Peace Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Since its beginning in 1961, Prince of Peace has been offering many ministries for all who are seeking a relationship with God.
Sept. 24, 1961 | Sunday School began at the V.F.W. Hall in Marlton, New Jersey. |
Oct. 29, 1961 | A Charter was opened for prospective members of a new Lutheran church. |
Feb. 23, 1962 | Prince of Peace was born with 139 members signing the Charter. |
Spring 1965 | The Congregation moved temporarily to the empty Marlton Methodist Church on Main Street. |
Sept. 26, 1965 | The cornerstone was laid for Prince of Peace’s first building. |
Nov. 21, 1965 | Prince of Peace held a “Service of Dedication” in its first building. |
1979 | Introduced new Lutheran Book of Worship and began weekly celebration of Holy Communion. |
Oct. 25, 1981 | A second building was dedicated to house additional education and music facilities. |
May 30, 1988 | Baptismal Membership reached 1,090. |
1988 | Permanently added 5:30 p.m. Saturday worship service. |
June 30, 1990 | Ground was broken for a third building to provide an enlarged sanctuary and office area. |
1991 | The Rev. Dr. Frank W. Klos Jr. joined our staff as Visitation Pastor. |
Sept. 1991-1992 | The Congregation celebrated its 30th Anniversary with the dedication of its third building. |
June 25, 2000 | Congregation launched “Mt. Laurel Initiative” in cooperation with St. Paul’s, Mt. Holly and the E.L.C.A.’s Division of Outreach, calling Pastor David Stoner as Evangelism Specialist. |
2001 | Congregation averaged 331 worshipers at Saturday/Sunday services. |
Aug. 11, 2002 | Dedicated library named “Klos Library: Lighthouse of Learning” in honor of Sally Klos and in memory of Pastor Frank Klos. |
Dec. 24, 2002 | Construction completed on a covered walkway and tower. |
Feb. 2, 2003 | Prince of Peace voted to become a “Reconciling in Christ” congregation. |
Pastors Serving Prince of Peace
James A Skelton, Jr. | 1961-1964 |
Richard H. Mintel | 1964-1974 |
Richard W. Overcash | 1974-2014 |
Joyce A. Seip | 1982-1986 |
Patricia S. Ireland | 1986-1992 |
Frank W. Klos, Jr. | 1991-2002 |
Timothy L. Taylor | 1994-1996 |
Ingrid A. Fath | 1996-2000 |
David Stoner | 2000-2002 |
Elijah Mwitanti | 2001-2003 |
Brett W. Ballenger | 2005-2023 |