
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Since its beginning in 1961, Prince of Peace has been offering many ministries for all who are seeking a relationship with God.

Sept. 24, 1961 Sunday School began at the V.F.W. Hall in Marlton, New Jersey.
Oct. 29, 1961 A Charter was opened for prospective members of a new Lutheran church.
Feb. 23, 1962 Prince of Peace was born with 139 members signing the Charter.
Spring 1965 The Congregation moved temporarily to the empty Marlton Methodist Church on Main Street.
Sept. 26, 1965 The cornerstone was laid for Prince of Peace’s first building.
Nov. 21, 1965 Prince of Peace held a “Service of Dedication” in its first building.
1979 Introduced new Lutheran Book of Worship and began weekly celebration of Holy Communion.
Oct. 25, 1981 A second building was dedicated to house additional education and music facilities.
May 30, 1988 Baptismal Membership reached 1,090.
1988 Permanently added 5:30 p.m. Saturday worship service.
June 30, 1990 Ground was broken for a third building to provide an enlarged sanctuary and office area.
1991 The Rev. Dr. Frank W. Klos Jr. joined our staff as Visitation Pastor.
Sept. 1991-1992 The Congregation celebrated its 30th Anniversary with the dedication of its third building.
June 25, 2000 Congregation launched “Mt. Laurel Initiative” in cooperation with St. Paul’s, Mt. Holly and the E.L.C.A.’s Division of Outreach, calling Pastor David Stoner as Evangelism Specialist.
2001 Congregation averaged 331 worshipers at Saturday/Sunday services.
Aug. 11, 2002 Dedicated library named “Klos Library: Lighthouse of Learning” in honor of Sally Klos and in memory of Pastor Frank Klos.
Dec. 24, 2002 Construction completed on a covered walkway and tower.
Feb. 2, 2003 Prince of Peace voted to become a “Reconciling in Christ” congregation.


Pastors Serving Prince of Peace

James A Skelton, Jr. 1961-1964
Richard H. Mintel 1964-1974
Richard W. Overcash 1974-2014
Joyce A. Seip 1982-1986
Patricia S. Ireland 1986-1992
Frank W. Klos, Jr. 1991-2002
Timothy L. Taylor 1994-1996
Ingrid A. Fath 1996-2000
David Stoner 2000-2002
Elijah Mwitanti 2001-2003
Brett W. Ballenger 2005-2023