
What is a Labyrinth
The labyrinth is an ancient tool for reflection on one’s life and spiritual journey. The earliest labyrinth still in existence is on the island of Crete, and is believed to have been built around 2500 B. C.E. The labyrinth is a pattern which creates “sacred space”. It can be found in almost every religious tradition in the world in some form – such as the Jewish Kabbala, the Hopi medicine wheel, Tibetan sand paintings, and Eastern mandalas. European Christians placed labyrinths in many of their cathedrals to symbolize their tradition of making pilgrimages to the Holy City, Jerusalem.. Walking the labyrinth brought them to “the Heart of God” without the danger and expense of a pilgrimage.
The pattern of a labyrinth is based on the system of sacred geometry (a lost art which emphasizes that proportion, placement and position, determined by a complementary system of numbers, angles and design) which can bring to the human mind and psyche rest, comfort and harmony. This leaves the mind open to other levels of awareness.
Reflecting on your Labyrinth experience
It is important to reflect on what has happened as you walked the labyrinth. Take some time to ask yourself the following questions:
- Why did I come here today?
- What did I learn about myself?
- What did I learn about what’s going on in my life right now?
- Did I encounter God in the labyrinth? What was that like?
You may find the need to walk the labyrinth more than once to gain more clarity.
Be sure to take a moment to thank God for this special lime and for your experience.
This Labyrinth was created by Alex Paluzzi in 2008 for his Eagle Scout project.
This informative form was written by Sharon Elliott.